Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hi You!

Who says I'm not pretty? Hehe. That is Selena Gomez song's lah. 

I'm pretty, you're pretty... Ceh, apahal budak ni?!

Actually, I wanted to typed "Who says I'm not strong". I do weight lifting you know. Tadaaaaa !
 With the gorgeous miss Wangsa Maju, Liya. Haha.
Ok, that is not weight lifting Zati, that is taking picture.

I do, do weight lifting. But still I'm fat. Hahaha. My Personal Trainer was like "Zaty why are you like this? Why those fats around your tummy? You do go to body pump classes right?"

My answer to that is "Yes, I dont know why. Stubborn fat !". But actually, I was fooling around in the class. Hehe. Watching hot guys walking passes the class wouldn't help me do my workout properly. Hehe. Same goes to friend too. Dem you abang-abang hensem !

Ok, before I say goodbye, I want to show this shok sendiri picture ! Bye ! :)

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